Problem set up:
Let $\mathcal F_t$ be a filtration satisfying the usual conditions. Let $T > 0$ be a fixed real number, and define the filtration $\mathcal H_t := \mathcal F_{T + t}$.
Suppose a cadlag adapted process $X$ is almost surely locally integrable, i.e. for any compact set $C \subset \mathbb R_+$we have $\int_C X_t \ dt < \infty$ a.s.
Define the moving average process $M$ by $M_t := \int_{[t, t + T]} X_s ds$.
Suppose that the following conditions hold:
Almost surely, $X_0 = X_s$ for all $s \leq T$.
$M_t$ is a $\mathcal H_t$-martingale.
Question: Is it true that $X$ is an $\mathcal F_t$-martingale?